Thursday, 20 February 2020


1. Use Accordian component to organize components into collapsible sections on a home page.
2. DATEVALUE() formula provides a workaround for daylight savings time values.
3. 300 approval processes can be active for each object.
4. With Wrap Text a Sales reps can see all the text in the Description column in the insert email template window.
5. 2000 custom objects can an App Builder create.
6. On Flow builder canvas an App Builder will see a flow's scheduled start time.
7. Custom notification types are created in Notification Builder.
8. An App Builder wants to Activate a Flow from the Flow Builder. The Activate button is located in button Bar.


Go to --> Lightning App Builder --> Click New -->Select Record Page -->Label ='Account Page' Object ='Account' --> Next --> Clone Salesforce default Page(with Account Grouped View default) --> Add Recommendation On page and add filter Device should be Desktop.