Sunday, 15 December 2019

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '20)

1.When including a Visualforce page component in a Lightning Page using Lightning App Builder, which action hides the default label for the Visualforce page?
A.deselect the show label option
2.A developer needs to make changes to a custom field and associated Apex classes and triggers. How can the developer quickly determine which Apex classes and triggers use the field?
A.On the custom fields detail page ,click where is this used?
3.A developer is preparing to install a managed package that will create several new custom objects. What should the developer do to understand how many objects can be created prior to reaching the allowed limit for the org?
A.Look at the number of cusom objects and custom settings in the system overview information
4.Which ApexSettings metadata field enables serial execution of Apex tests?
A. enable disableparallelApextesting
5.With the Winter '20 release, which type of callout is now excluded from the concurrent long-running request limit?
A. Apex code that sends an HTTP request

step2 Get Hands-on Creating Custom Tabs for Lightning Web Components
install these package

Install Package :
Create a tab of Lightning Component Tabs with Label = 'Words'.

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Winter '20)

1.What can an Administrator use to determine different levels of team member access to an Account?
A.Report on account teams
2.An Administrator needs to automatically add account team members to an account. What tool can the Administrator use to meet this requirement?
A. Process Builder
3.What access does the Team Member Access button show when selected?
A. Maximum access
4.Where would an Administrator go to customize the opportunity contact roles?
A. setup--->ObjectManager-->Opportunity ContactRole
5.Where can an Administrator find a sender signature field?
A.Merge field picker
6.How many approval processes can be active in one org?
7.Which reference type is available when an Administrator uses the "Where is this used?" button on a field?
A.formula field

step2 Get Hands-On with Record Compliance Categorization

quick find--->Data classification settings--->edit compliance categorization picklist values
click on reorder GDPR-->P!!-->HIPAA

select Emailfield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose GPDR-->save
select Phonefield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose PII--->save
select BirthDatefield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose HIPAA--->save

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Summer 19)

1.Which attribute can an app builder use to make a dependent picklist screen component in flow screens required?
A. {!$GlobalConstant.True}
2.How can an app builder determine what flow type best meets a specific business process?
A. Flow Templates
3.An app builder needs to notify an account owner of a new support case logged by a high-risk account. Which feature should the app builder use to send a custom notification to the account owner?
A.Notification builder
4.Agents need to be able to see email attachments easily when reviewing cases. Which related list can the app builder add to the case page layout?
A.Files related list
5.Where should an app builder go to create a Lightning letterhead after enabling enhanced letterheads for Lightning email templates?
A. App Launcher>Enhanced Letterhead


1.Setup-->quickfind Enter path settings-->clickon enable-->click on new path
 path Name: Milestones
 Object: Opportunity
 Record Type: Master
 Picklist: Stage
 Click Next in Step 2; we don't need to configure guidance for success on->A. When users reach a specific step in the path, help them celebrate their success with on-screen confetti.

Selected for Celebration: Closed Won
Celebration Frequency: Always
Ensure the path is Active and then click Finish
3. create opportunity record
 stage closed won

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Summer 19)

1.An administrator needs to customize hyperlinks to match corporate branding. Which setting can the administrator set to assign custom colors to hyperlinks?
A.Use brand color
2.How can different Activities Views be used once the default Activities View is enabled by the administrator?
A. Users can switch between preferences
3.Which filter option can an administrator recommend to help a manager filter on tasks for their team?
A. My team's tasks
4.By how many levels can dashboard components be sorted?
A. 2
5.Which dashboard component should an administrator use to show subtotals?
A. Lightning table


1.Setup->Quickfind enter Email template--> click on Lightning Email Templates
Enable folders and Enhanced Sharing
2. Go to App Launcher--->serch apps or item Enter Email templates click on Email template
3.Click on New Foldername-->Folder Label: Sales-->click on save
4. Click on New Email Template-->Template Name: General
   Click on folder name-->select sales click on select folder
   Subject: General
  click on image insert

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '19)

1.What allows Flows to manipulate complex data types that are often returned from calls to web services?
A. Apex-defined data types
2.What is the benefit of using the Continuation class in Apex to make a long-running request to an external web service?
A. More long-running callouts can be made using continuations
3.Which Lightning web component configuration file tag set specifies the form factors that the component supports?
A. <supportedFormFactors>
4.Which tag adds the Lightning Web Components for Visualforce JavaScript library to a Visualforce page?
A. <apex:includeLightning/>


1.Select and copy this link:
2.In the incognito window, paste the link into the address bar to install the package.
3.On the Salesforce login screen that appears, enter the username and password for your Trailhead Playground, then click Log In.
4.Select Install for All Users, then click Install.
5.Once the installation is complete, click Done.
Apex code

/* batch class:-BatchLeadConvert  */
public with sharing class BatchLeadConvert implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.RaisesPlatformEvents{

    private final String CONVERTED_STATUS = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1].MasterLabel;

    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext ctx){
        return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE ConvertedContactId = null]);

    public void execute(Database.BatchableContext ctx, List<Lead> records){
        List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
        for(Lead record:records){
            Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();

        Database.convertLead(leadConverts, true);

    public void finish(Database.BatchableContext ctx){


Trigger code
* write trigger on  BatchApexErrorEvent  object*/

trigger BatchApexErrorTrigger on BatchApexErrorEvent (after insert) {
 list<BatchLeadConvertErrors__c> bcr= new List<BatchLeadConvertErrors__c>();
    for(BatchApexErrorEvent event:{
        BatchLeadConvertErrors__c  evrterror= new BatchLeadConvertErrors__c ();
        evrterror.AsyncApexJobId__c= event.AsyncApexJobId;
        insert bcr;


Friday, 3 May 2019

Sharing and Visibility Designer Certification Maintenance (Spring '19)

1.A territory called 'EMEA' has multiple users assigned to it. With Spring '19, what is the new way for an administrator to share reports to these users assigned to the EMEA territory?
A. Add the reports to Folder and share it with the Territory
2.With Spring '19, how can an Administrator enable Partner Users access to Order records from other Accounts based on the Partner User's Account information?
A.Create an Account Relationship Data sharing rule based on the Account Relationship type
3.A user needs to provide access to users in the Strategic Accounts Territory on an Opportunity record. How can a record be easily shared with all the users in a territory with functionality new to Spring '19?
A.Enable Manual account sharing and specify the territory in the sharing detail
4.As part of a new community, an administrator wants to let unauthenticated users upload files to customized Lightning pages. As of Spring '19, what should the administrator set up to meet this requirement?
A. In setup, select the option allow site guest users to upload files
5. Customer Community Plus users who are assigned contacts on Case can still see the records after switching geographic division within the Customer company. With Spring '19, how can an administrator restrict access to Case records for Community users?
A. From setup, insharing settings uncheck Grant community users access to related cases

Data Architecture and Management Designer Certification Maintenance (Spring '19)

1.After building a prediction in Einstein Prediction Builder, how can an Administrator understand the impact of each predictor in the model?
A. View the scorecard on the model
2.A customer has a requirement to track the changes to an object's field. With Spring '19, what is the recommended solution to retain the history of field changes for more than 24 months?
A. Field Audit Trail
3.With Spring '19, how can an Administrator create a Salesforce object that holds hundreds of millions, or even billions, of records?
A. Configure big objects from the setup UI
4.A Sales Manager would like to review the open Opportunity pipeline in order to gain an understanding of how to close more deals for the quarter. With Spring '19, what feature can an Administrator configure to meet this need?
A.Einstein data Insights
5.How can an Administrator efficiently set the same default field value across multiple objects and fields?
A.Set up a custom metadata type and default formula reference

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Spring '19)

1.Which permission does an app builder need to access the Flow Builder?
A. Manage flow

2.Where can an app builder change the layout of a Lightning page?
     A.   Properties

3.An account team is no longer needed. What action can the account owner take to remove the entire team?
     A. Use Remove all Members

4. Which language can an app builder use to build Lightning web components?
      A. HTML

5. Which relative set of date/time fields can an app builder specify in a macro when it is run?
     A. Time DateTime date

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Spring '19)

1.Which Apex interface can be implemented to allow My Domain users to log in with         something other than their username and password?

  2. With Spring '19, which method returns a list of OrgLimit instances used to investigate limits and their names, current value, and maximum value?
     A. getAll() from the system.OrgLimits Class

      3. With Spring '19, which properties of an unhandled Apex exception are available in Event Monitoring log files?
     A.Excepttion message, exception type name and stack trace

    4. Which field of the SandboxInfo object is a reference to the ID of the SandboxInfo that served as the source org for a cloned sandbox?
    A. SourceId

    5. You created a custom metadata type to handle your company's warranty policy. The custom metadata type's label is WarrantyRule. For it, you created a custom field labeled Warranty and a metadata record labeled Gold. What is the correct syntax to reference the value stored in the Gold metadata record?

    Step2: hands on practice
  • Create a new custom field on the Contact object to establish a field that contains sensitive information about the secret keys of our customers.
    • Field Label: Secret Key
    • Type: Text
    • Field Name: Secret_Key
    • Length: 255
  • Uncheck the Visible box for the “Standard User” profile when defining field-level security.

global with sharing class SecureApexRest {
       global static Contact doGet(){
        Id recordId = RestContext.request.params.get('id');
        Contact result;
        if (recordId == null){
            throw new FunctionalException('Id parameter is required');
            List<Contact> results;
                   results = [SELECT id, Name, Secret_Key__c FROM Contact WHERE                                                          id=:recordId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
                   }catch(QueryException e){}
                if (!results.isEmpty()) {
                        result = results[0];
                  return result;
    public class FunctionalException extends Exception{}
    public class SecurityException extends Exception{}

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring 19)

1.On which set of objects can an administrator customize the Stage Setup Flow?
 A   Leads and opportunities
2.    How many blocks are available in joined reports?
A.      5
3.    An account team is no longer needed. How can the account owner remove the entire team?
A.      Use Remove all members
4.    Which set of actions can an administrator take with subtab options in Console?
A.      Refresh, customize, promote
5.    For which object can an administrator grant data sharing rules within workflows?
A.      Opportunity
6.    Which relative date/time can an administrator specify in a macro when it is run?
A.      Hours from now

Step2: hands on practise step by step follow

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Winter ’19)

1.On which object can users assign a new owner to multiple records at one time from a Lightning Experience list view?


2.How can a user place the cursor in the list view search field without navigating to it with the tab button or the cursor?

A.keyboard shortcut g+f

3.Which Forecast Type should the System Administrator configure to make territory forecasts available to the sales team?

A.Opportunity Revenue by Territory

4.How many decimal places can the user choose to display when creating a dashboard component?

A.Up to 5

5.What will display in the search results when a user uses the quick search on the reports tab?

A.The reports or folders displayed are based on what is selected on the side menu

6.he customer community manager wants to gamify the community by recognizing members' specific accomplishments. What can the System Administrator configure to accomplish this goal?

A.Recognition Badges

7.What has to be enabled to allow users to save Chatter posts before they appear in the feed?

A.Allow draft posts

8.How can a standard user adjust the page layout to display more fields in the same amount of space?

A. change the density from comfy to compact

Step2:Follow the Hands-On. Step By Step Point and click

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '19)

1.Which behavior is true when using the ‘Deploy processes and flows as active’ feature?

A. Apex tests must cover 75% of all active Processes and autolaunched Flows.

2.How should an App Builder ensure that Users are able to see Survey responses?

A.Grant access to the Survey object then direct users to the Survey Invitations related list

3.How can a user share the contents of a Salesforce Folder with customers in Lightning?

A. Create a public link to a Shared Folder.

4.How can an App Builder configure a Guided Action to be mandatory on a record?

A. Set the Is Mandatory field in a Process that launches the Flow.

Step2:Follow the Hands-On. Step By Step Point and click

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '19)

1. Which method of the DescribeSObjectResult class allows you to access record types by their developer name?

2. Which Apex class includes new methods to verify digital and HMAC signatures?
A. system.cypto

1.Your org has My Domain enabled. What is the most efficient method to obtain a valid session ID to make an HTTP callout from asynchronous Apex code to Salesforce APIs?
A.Use System.UserInfo.getSessionId().

2.Which annotation allows a developer to make the result of an Apex method storable for Lightning components?

A. @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)

3.Which merge field allows you to isolate untrusted third-party content with <apex:iframe> tag in Visualforce?

A. $IFrameResource

4.Prior to installing an unlocked package, which object should a developer query using the Tooling API to list the packages it depends on?

A. SubscriberPackageVersion

public inherited sharing class TowerMapControllerClass {
     public static List<Tower__c> getAllTowers() {
          String theObject = 'Tower__c';
          List<String> theFields = new List<String>{'Id', 'Name', 'State__r.Name', 'Tower_Location__Latitude__s', 'Tower_Location__Longitude__s'};
          String theFilter = '';
          String sortField = 'Name';
          String sortOrder = 'ASC';
          List<Tower__c> allTowers = TowerMapUtilClass.queryObjects(theObject, theFields, theFilter, sortField, sortOrder);
          return allTowers;

public inherited sharing class TowerMapUtilClass {
     public static List<sObject> queryObjects(String theObject, List<String> theFields, String theFilter, String sortField, String sortOrder) {
          String theQuery = 'SELECT ' + string.join(theFields, ',');
          theQuery += ' FROM ' + theObject;
          if(!String.isEmpty(theFilter)) {
               theQuery += ' WHERE ' + theFilter;
          if(!String.isEmpty(sortField)) {
               theQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + sortField;
               if(!String.isEmpty(sortOrder)) {
                    theQuery += ' ' + sortOrder;
          return database.query(theQuery);

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" controller="TowerMapControllerClass" access="global" >
     <aura:attribute name="mapMarkers" type="Object" access="PRIVATE" />
     <aura:attribute name="markersTitle" type="String" access="PRIVATE" />
     <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.handleInit}"/>
     <aura:if isTrue="{!!empty(v.mapMarkers)}" >
          <!-- Create lightning:map here -->
        mapMarkers="{! v.mapMarkers }"
        markersTitle = "{!v.markersTitle}"
        zoomLevel="5" />

     initHelper : function(component, event, helper) {
          helper.utilSetMarkers(component, event, helper);
     utilSetMarkers : function(component, event, helper) {
          let action = component.get("c.getAllTowers");
          action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
               const data = response.getReturnValue();
               const dataSize = data.length;
               let markers = [];
               for(let i=0; i < dataSize; i += 1) {
                    const Tower = data[i];
                        'location': {
                             'Latitude' : Tower.Tower_Location__Latitude__s,
                             'Longitude' : Tower.Tower_Location__Longitude__s
                        'icon': 'utility:Tower',
                        'title' : Tower.Name,
                        'description' : Tower.Name + ' Tower Location at ' + Tower.State__r.Name
               component.set('v.markersTitle', 'Out and About Communications Tower Locations');
               component.set('v.mapMarkers', markers);